In addition to the annual community grants program, KACF-SF offers special grant opportunities and engages in initiatives that fall within the foundation’s program and priority areas.
Special Projects Grants
KACF-SF works closely with community-based organizations and community leaders to identify gaps and develop innovative solutions for some of the most pressing issues in the community. Our special projects grant program provides funding to fill the gaps and to pilot new models. These grants are by invitation only.

Capacity Building Grants
We believe that investing in building the capacity of organizations leads to increased impact. Current grantee partners are eligible to apply for grants of up to $5,000 to bolster expertise in such areas as financial management, board/staff development, communications, and fundraising. Capacity building grants are considered on a case-by-case basis.
Other Grant Opportunities
From time-to-time, KACF-SF offers one-off grant opportunities in response to extraordinary current events that have a significant impact on the Korean American population. Recent opportunities have included 2020 Census Grants and COVID-19 Rapid Response Grants.

Partnership & Coalition Building
KACF-SF seeks to build and maintain partnerships across Korean and API organizations who can work together around priority issues. We have organized convenings around civic engagement and mental health, and we convene a Bay Area K-Leadership group to discuss current issues and coordinate efforts.