$22 for 2022

Become a KACF-SF sustaining donor with a donation of just $22/month!

Your recurring gift ensures culturally and linguistically competent

social services for vulnerable Korean Americans.

The button will open a new check-out page. Please be sure to check the “Recurring payment” box.
All donations to KACF-SF, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (Tax ID: 46-5212292), are tax deductible.

Your monthly contribution amplifies our collective voice and supports critical programs that benefit under-resourced Korean American individuals and families - including meals and wellness programs for isolated seniors, Korean-language therapy, training for healthcare workers, and free and low-cost legal and social services.

Since 2014, KACF-SF has distributed over $2 million to nonprofit organizations addressing the greatest needs in our community - reaching over 200,000 vulnerable Bay Area Koreans. And, because KACF-SF has received Guidestar’s Platinum Seal of Transparency, you know you donating to an organization you can trust.

Learn how your donation impacts our community:

Why Give Monthly

  • It makes your donation affordable for you

  • It helps KACF-SF plan for the future: sustained donations enable us to be proactive and think strategically

  • It empowers our community by allowing us to funnel our grantmaking resources to the areas of greatest need

  • It is a more convenient way to give while having an even greater impact on the lives of Korean Americans

Why $22? 

Because it’s 2022, it’s a budget-friendly amount, and that extra $2 helps cover processing fees.

Start your monthly donation today!

Please be sure to check the “Recurring payment” box.

Not ready to give monthly?

Make a one-time donation in support of our programs.

The Fine Print

  • All donations to KACF-SF, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization (Tax ID: 46-5212292), are tax deductible.

  • We ask KACF-SF recurring donors to commit to a minimum of one year (12 months) of sustained giving. 

  • Recurring donations can be cancelled at any time.


Ringing in Year of the Tiger


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